This app requires Javascript in order to function. If Azure Alphant were to convert the scripted database into a giant, plain old HTML-wrapped plain-text table, your device would either hardcore freeze or go into a Chernobyl-level meltdown. The number of objects in this dataset is massive; enable Javascript or don't use this app. The choice is yours.
Arrows, Alphanumeric, and Mathmatical Symbols blocks
Basic operators and Fractions (U+002B, 00BC-00BE 00D7, 00F7)
Letterlike Symbols (U+2100-214F)
Number Forms (U+2150-218F)
Arrows (U+2190-21FF)
Mathematical Operators (U+2200-22FF)
Floors and Ceilings (U+2308-230B)
Enclosed Alphanumerics (U+2460-24FF)
Box Drawing (U+2500-257F)
Block Elements (U+2580-259F)
Geometric Shapes (U+25A0-25FF)
Dingbats (U+2715-2716, 2776-27AF, 27B1-27BE)
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+27C0-27EF)
Supplemental Arrows-A (U+27F0-27FF)
Supplemental Arrows-B (U+2900-297F)
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (U+2980-29FF)
Supplemental Mathematical Operators (U+2A00-2AFF)
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+2B00-2B4D, 2B50-2B55, 2B60-2B7D, 2B80-2B8F, 2B94-2BB7, 2BBD-2BC8, 2BCA-2BCF, 2BE8-2BEF)
Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (U+3200-32FF)
CJK Compatibility (U+3300-33FF)
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (U+FFE9-FFEC)
Tally Marks [Counting Rod Numerals] (U+1D360-1D378)
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400-1D7FF)
Indic Siyaq Numbers* (U+1EC70-1ECBF)
Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols (U+1EE00-1EEFF)
Enclosed Alphanumerics Supplement (U+1F100-1F1FF)
Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (U+1F200-1F2FF)
Geometric Shapes Extended (U+1F780-1F7D4)
Supplemental Arrows-C (U+1F800-1F8FF)
Indic Siyaq Numbers originated in either the Middle East or in South Asia, but until it is determined exactly which region it was, Azure Alphant will not add it to either region's writing systems, and the block will remain here.